Sunday, January 24, 2016

Last night I saw The Man Who Murdered Sherlock Holmes at the Mercury Theater. Now I heard it was a musical comedy and I thought that a bit strange. It was kind of a bizarre  subject for a musical comedy but I gave it a try. Wow! If you are going to see one play this year in Chicago, this is it! T haven't laughed that much in years (and I am 66). In addition to the great basic comedy, the timing added to the humor. The dialog was great and the music blended in beautifully. Supporting this great piece of writing was a cast of incredible talent. I think I also loved this production because it wasn't filled with young beautiful people. It was a story based on a real person (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) with normal looking believable people. It is a play suitable for all ages (if they can sit still.....not little ones) with wholesome values and ideas to stimulate your imagination. Go see it!